Sunday, March 22, 2009


So calving time gives you a lot of time for thinking, and reflecting. I was running through my mind the events and the company of a late fall hunt I shared with my father-in-law. It is kind of a tradition for the Echeverria's to get together each thanksgiving. and while the women catch up and shop; us guys grab our bows and head off to hunt the mule deer in the rut. Like all the other years before we were excited. Due to some circumstances Todd and I were alone that day and looking forward to putting some miles and elevation under our feet. We began the hunt and split up at the truck and met up on top. As we met up Todd got my attention and showed me a nice buck chasing a doe across a large canyon in a chaparral covered basin. As we sat and glassed I began working out a way to stalk up close on this guy. I shared my idea with Todd and he said "OK I'll stay here and watch." "Go slow and it might work." You see Todd is very laid back and not one to discourage you or tell you his point of view unless you ask. So off I went. As I crossed the steep canyon and made my way along the side hill toward the basin I stopped to check and see if Todd was there sure enough right where he said he would be watching over the whole thing. I was getting close to where I thought the big guy was and began trying to control my breathing. See I was a mile and a half from were I left Todd and three miles from the truck and the adrenaline was pumping. As I crept over the last little rise I was anticipating my shot being no more than forty yards. So I have now crawled the last three hundred or so yards and can see the whole basin and no buck. So I pull out my binoculars and begin to scan. Wow there he is and at another look he is across my basin and on the other side of the next basin laying down. My depth perception was way off. Only two hundred yards off but still way off for a bow and arrow. This hidden basin was one thing and the angle at which I was previously had been misleading. As I sit down to ponder the rest of the day I call Todd on the radio and say "I thought he was right here." He replied "I know you did." My head snapped around and I swear even over that great distance I could see Todd, sitting right where he said he would be smiling!! So as I laughed and reminisced over this I was struck with how much like life this little adventure had been. You see Todd had clear perspective from were he sat which wasn't far from me but my view was distorted it gave me a vision that was false. My eagerness and confidence had just cost me a lot of time and energy. And the whole time Todd watched and didn't try to stop me he just let me learn on my own. See Todd could have said no you'll never make it or can't you see that open flat between that ridge and the buck. Much like our heavenly father who wants us to stay close and be near. However so many times we as humans start trying to see with our own eyes and through our perspective and not God's. That he has to let us go sometimes far from him that we might learn a lesson or two along the way. I believe God loves to see his children learn even if they are apart from him when they do so. I think God uses our ambitions and energy to form our character and mold us into vessels that will hold water. God can use your desires and dreams to motivate change, growth and blessing. You see after I crossed that canyon I found another buck in bordering basin and had a successful and blessed stalk. However no kill. But I have never been so at peace with a miss (i don't miss). But seriously I was close and did everything I could have done to harvest that deer. It just didn't work out that way. So don't be surprised if when blessings come they are not what you had expected at first but you are content and extremely great full despite your previous expectations. It might be possible your perspective is changing to more closely resemble that of your makers. So the next time you're in the valley of the shadow of death the worlds got you down and the future of your country looks bleak remember Christ's words do not fear for I have overcome sin, death and the world. And because of him your heavenly father is watching over you, protecting, guiding and most importantly teaching you along the way. Brian Brown


  1. Most excellant post, that is why you are my favorite brown eyed son-in-law.
    Keep up the posts we sure enjoy them.
    to the moon
    mom ech.

  2. I love your blog title Brian! I look forward to reading your posts - this one was awesome! Love, SJ

  3. Dad and I love it!! All of it. We are so proud of you. Guess you could say it is uplifting and encourageing. We will look forward to reading more. We love you
