Sunday, July 12, 2009


I'm batch'n it and have had a chance to eat some good food with new and old friends. It has been fun to be invited to peoples homes and fellowship with them. It gives you a window into the family life and the events that take place day to day in the home. As you all well know I enjoy watching people and the last few nights with no children of my own to care for I have been able to concentrate on my other passion of observing.
The last family I had the chance to dine with were very dear friends we have been to there house for dinner before as a family but as i was on my own i was like a addition to their family this evening. After dinner was done and conversation was winding down the father pulled out the bible and asked each family member to read a verse of their choosing. I was floored... something I hadn't done before and something I didn't expect from this young christian family. I was blessed by that time with them and learned a very valuable lesson about our walk with christ and family life; from a unexpected source. Not my pastor or sunday school teacher, not a book or a parenting pamphlet but from a young (in the lord) christian who has only recently dedicated their life to christ.
Keep the TV off after dinner linger in the presence of your family discuss the things of God. His character, love, and mercy. Talk, listen, answer questions and grow together in Christ.
The bible says we are to speak of the things of the lord they are to be on our lips always and we are to speak of them in our going out and our coming in........

How blessed I have been to see this first hand and to be able to do this in my own family. God is very much alive and at work no matter how hard the adversary tries to destroy the family.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Brian for that little thought you shared with me.I say me because sometimes in my hour of need I am blessed from the strangest places.just checking on my friends,and I often long for the times we had on the river in the mountains,and horseback at the ranch or wherever we happend to be.Miss ya brother.Kill a big one In His grace
